Safe Child

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Child Identification Program (CHIP)

We've been offline for a while and now it's time to back on the ball. Look for regular posts and we invite to send in your own.

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CHIP is a program that every parent should avail themselves of. It consists of collecting data that can be used by law enforcement to locate and identify children if they get lost or are abducted.

There are several components:

1) Toothprint - the child bites into a softened wafer-like material. In doing so they leave an impression of their teeth and saliva/DNA, which can be used by scent tracing tracking dogs and law enforement for identification.

2) Video - a brief video is taken to capture a child's speaking habits, appearance, and mannerisms.

3) Fingerprints - fingerprints are the oldest and reliable methods of identification

Sponsored by the Freemasons, 15 states have adapted this program. It is endorsed by many law enforement agencies, including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and several state dental societies and teaching groups.

For more information including contacts to set up an event in your area, CLICK HERE.

If you would like to add your own child safety tip, email it to Safe Child by CLICKING HERE.

BOOK MARK THIS SITE for regular updates on safety and health tips for children.